Book of Politicians
CA: 2pDvoGKAcWpFQixEABwrejjbTYunCCQDzK9cZyPsb1jg
WE THE POOPLE of the Unoted Stotes, in Ordur to
form a mor purrfect Union, establish just ice,
insure domostic Tranquility, pruvide for the
comman defence, promote the genural Welfure,
and secore the Blassings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution 4 the Unoted Stotes of
$bop tokenomics
20% Marketing + Dev Team
75% Burned Liquidity Pool
Mint and Freeze Authority Revoked
Certified bop
Plans 4 Freedom
How to buy $bop
4. Make sure you have SOL in wallet
5. Complete trade & make mollions
Legal Disclaimer: $bop is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. $bop is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only. When you purchase $bop, you are agreeing that you have seen this disclaimer.